domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015

Cyclist develops the 1st recycled bike rack Written by Vanderlei José Torroni (cyclist and designer)

During my visit to Tetra Pak for an evaluation of paper-based packaging boards, I debated with one of the engineers: “Why not a recycled bike rack?“. I cannot recall his answer but it was something like “we can check it out”.

After one year, precisely on the week of 7th October, we produced the first bike rack of the world made of 100% paper-based recycled packaging.  1393 paper-based cartons were used during the production of one unit. At the time, we visited some companies that made it possible but with an impracticable cost. Others companies, believed it was an unthinkable design. However, we accomplished it.

                       Roughly, 1393 paper-based cartons are used to produce only one bike rack 

Sustainability is a principle, a way of social awareness. For that matter, sustainability is relate to urban mobility through bike usage it is a dream to our society.

Through an unpublished productive process, it was used post-consumer recycled products and post-industrial products as raw material to manufacture the bike rack, highly resistance against vandalism and heat. This rack is more resistant than the regular carbon steel tubular bike rack. Believe me!

As a result, about 1393 cartons, weighing 28 grams each, are being removed from the environment. Their disposal would be on rivers, oceans and forests, polluting them all.

Sustainable bike rack is made of raw material that can be reused on productive process and it can once again be a new unit. For this reason, sustainable bike rack is 100% recycled and recyclable. We will produce it as “U” inverted model, not tubular, but massive or in dowel form.

Sustainable bike rack helps to preserve the environment and contributes to urban mobility. As a result, this is an ecological and innovative product that it will establish a great difference at the market: companies, authorities, cities and people, namely, to all who cares about proper waste disposal.

All eyes on urban mobility at Rio 2016 Olympics

Our project aspires to donate hundreds of units to Rio 2016 Olympics as well to the city of Rio de Janeiro, to be installed in every activity area. We are talking about half million of recycled paper-based packaging to produce these eco-friendly bike racks. 

Olympics Games facilities will have 15 holders construction available to receive athletes and public, those whom choose to move around by bicycle as means of transport during the event. All structures will remain as a legacy to the city.
Picture 2 (legenda)

This material is more resistant than regular steel used on the production of conventional bike rack Tetra Pak Brazil made it possible the achievement of this project because of sustainable development sector support. It encourages the recycling market and it is as catalyst.

We intend to get sponsors to donate hundreds of units to install on where Rio 2016 Olympic facilities as well all the cities that would like to join to urban mobility and sustainability atmosphere. We can allocate hundreds of millions of packages of disposal and we can encourage the recycling market, preserving our planet. Most of global food industry companies work with paper-based packaging. 

Written by Vanderlei José Torroni (cyclist and designer)
E-mail –
Fone – 055 – 11 – 3101-1006 / 9 9688-0606

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015

O Primeiro Paraciclo Sustentável no mundo feito de embalagens recicladas - Idealizado por um ciclista urbano

Durante uma visita a Tetrapak, para avaliação das tabuas feitas de embalagens, no final da reunião virei para um dos engenheiros e perguntei, "por que não fazemos um paraciclo reciclado?". Nem me lembro o que ele disse, pois faz mais de um ano, mas acho que foi dito "podemos analisar".

Depois de mais de um ano e meio, mais precisamente na semana do dia 07/10, produzimos o primeiro paraciclo no mundo feito 100% de embalagens recicladas, utilizamos 536 embalagens na produção de uma unidade. Nesse período passamos por algumas empresas, onde superfaturaram ou acharam que era impensável, mas conseguimos concretizar o projeto.

Sustentabilidade é um princípio como uma forte conscientização social, agora sustentabilidade associada a mobilidade, isso através do uso da bicicleta, é um sonho de consumo da sociedade.

Através de um processo produtivo inédito no mundo, utiliza-se como matéria-prima produtos reciclados pós consumo e pós industrial para a fabricação de um suporte de encosto de bicicletas(paraciclo) de alta resistência tanto ao vandalismo, como altas temperaturas, esse suporte é mais resistente do que os suportes comuns tubulares em aço carbono. Podem acreditar.

Com isso, são retirados do meio-ambiente para a fabricação de uma unidade, cerca de 536 embalagens cartonadas(Tetrapak) de 28 gramas, embalagens essas que poderiam ser descartadas no meio ambiente, poluindo rios, mares e florestas.

O Paraciclo Sustentável é composto de matéria-prima que pode ser reutilizada no processo produtivo e pode voltar a ser uma nova unidade. Por esta razão o paraciclo Sustentável é 100% RECICLADO e 100% RECICLÁVEL. 

Produziremos o paraciclo modelo "U" invertido,  que não será tubular, mas maciço ou em formato de "tarugo".
O paraciclo sustentável ajuda a preservar o meio ambiente e contribui com a mobilidade urbana. O resultado de tudo isso é um produto ecológico e inovador, que estabelecerá uma diferença de mercado, isso para empresas, governos, cidades e pessoas, ou seja, todos aqueles que se preocupam com a destinação correta dos resíduos sólidos.
Com esse projeto, inicialmente pretendemos doar aos jogos olímpicos de 2016 e também para toda a cidade do Rio de Janeiro centenas de unidades, para ser instaladas em cada um dos locais com atividades do Jogos Olímpicos de 2016. Falamos em quase meio milhão de embalagens recicladas para a produção destes paraciclos.

As áreas dos Jogos Olímpicos terão disponíveis estruturas com 15 suportes(30 vagas) para a recepção de atletas e do público em geral, que optar por se deslocar utilizando a bicicleta como meio de transporte durante o evento. Todas as estruturas ficarão como legado para a Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

O projeto somente foi possível devido ao apoio da área de desenvolvimento sustentável da Tetrapak do Brasil. Eles estimulam o mercado de reciclagem e são como catalisadores.  

Pretendemos conseguir patrocinadores para doar centenas de unidades para instalar nos locais, onde ocorrerão os Jogos Olímpicos RIO 2016 e todas as cidades que desejarem receber esse estímulo a mobilidade e a sustentabilidade. Pensem que podemos estimular o mercado de reciclagem e destinar dezenas ou centenas de milhões de embalagens. Quase todas as empresas globais do segmento alimentício utilizam embalagens longa vida.

A reciclagem do alumínio/polietileno que compõe a embalagem é feita em um equipamento semelhante a um liquidificador gigante. As camadas de alumínio/polietileno são destinadas às fábricas de processamento de plástico e recicladas através de um processo chamado termo-injeção, através do qual este material pode ser usado para produzir peças plásticas, como cabos de pá, ventoinhas de motores, canetas, réguas e outros.

Todos os três componentes de uma embalagem Tetra Pak podem voltar a ser utilizados.

Cyclist develops the 1st recycled bike rack
Written by Vanderlei José Torroni (cyclist and designer)
Translation by Marina Ferrari(@marinaferrari)

During my visit to Tetra Pak for an evaluation of paper-based packaging boards, I debated with one of the engineers: “Why not a recycled bike rack?“. I cannot recall his answer but it was something like “we can check it out”.

After one year, precisely on the week of 7th October, we produced the first bike rack of the world made of 100% paper-based recycled packaging.  536 paper-based cartons were used during the production of one unit. At the time, we visited some companies that made it possible but with an impracticable cost. Others companies, believed it was an unthinkable design. However, we accomplished it.

Picture 1 (legenda)
Roughly, 536 paper-based cartons are used to produce only one bike rack
Sustainability is a principle, a way of social awareness. For that matter, sustainability is relate to urban mobility through bike usage it is a dream to our society.
Through an unpublished productive process, it was used post-consumer recycled products and post-industrial products as raw material to manufacture the bike rack, highly resistance against vandalism and heat. This rack is more resistant than the regular carbon steel tubular bike rack. Believe me!
As a result, about 536 cartons, weighing 28 grams each, are being removed from the environment. Their disposal would be on rivers, oceans and forests, polluting them all.
Sustainable bike rack is made of raw material that can be reused on productive process and it can once again be a new unit. For this reason, sustainable bike rack is 100% recycled and recyclable. We will produce it as “U” inverted model, not tubular, but massive or in dowel form.
Sustainable bike rack helps to preserve the environment and contributes to urban mobility. As a result, this is an ecological and innovative product that it will establish a great difference at the market: companies, authorities, cities and people, namely, to all who cares about proper waste disposal.

All eyes on urban mobility at Rio 2016 Olympics
Our project aspires to donate hundreds of units to Rio 2016 Olympics as well to the city of Rio de Janeiro, to be installed in every activity area. We are talking about half million of recycled paper-based packaging to produce these eco-friendly bike racks.
Olympics Games facilities will have 15 holders construction available to receive athletes and public, those whom choose to move around by bicycle as means of transport during the event. All structures will remain as a legacy to the city.
Picture 2 (legenda)
This material is more resistant than regular steel used on the production of conventional bike rack
Tetra Pak Brazil made it possible the achievement of this project because of sustainable development sector support. It encourages the recycling market and it is as catalyst.

We intend to get sponsors to donate hundreds of units to install on where Rio 2016 Olympic facilities as well all the cities that would like to join to urban mobility and sustainability atmosphere. We can allocate hundreds of millions of packages of disposal and we can encourage the recycling market, preserving our planet. Most of global food industry companies work with paper-based packaging. 

Idealizador do projeto

Vanderlei José Torroni
Tel-055-11-3101-1006/ 9 9688-0606
São Paulo -Brasil